PBS - Pappas Brothers Steakhouse
PBS stands for Pappas Brothers Steakhouse
Here you will find, what does PBS stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Pappas Brothers Steakhouse? Pappas Brothers Steakhouse can be abbreviated as PBS What does PBS stand for? PBS stands for Pappas Brothers Steakhouse. What does Pappas Brothers Steakhouse mean?The United States based company is located in Houston, Texas engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of PBS
- Public Broadcasting Service
- Public Broadcasting Service
- Public Broadcasting System
- Public Broadcasting System
- Public Broadcasting System
- Positive Behavior Support
- Portable Batch System
- Portable Batch System
View 264 other definitions of PBS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- POI Pier One Imports
- PCW Presentation College Windsor
- PSA Press Start Australia
- POL Platinum One LLC
- PSCL Paddington Sports Club Limited
- PTC Predictive Technologies Corp.
- PBS Personal Business Solutions
- PSM Players School of Music
- PCE Periodontal Center of Excellence
- PST Parallel Solutions Technology
- PF The Pittsburgh Fan
- PRE Pilbara Real Estate
- PRCC Park Regency Care Center
- PRSD Partner Research Solutions Doo
- PSRT Peppers the Sands Resort Torquay
- PRR Paper Retriever Recycling
- PS Port of Sub